The Perfect Gag


You ever dreamed of only one mouth gag that fits easily to a lot of figures and that may have different shapes? Yes? So, here it is!

This mouth gag was designed to be useable for almost ANY NORMAL head shape. It has already 12 "one push" levers2 that adjust the "standard style" gag to these head shapes: V4, Genesis, G2F, G3F, Victoria 6 & 7, Josie 6 & 7, Aiko 6, Girl 6, Ysabeau 6, Stephanie 6.

The gag can be adjusted to other head shapes as well, thanks to the integrated adjustment morphs.

It comes with a wide range for creating a new mouth gag style including pulling the mouth gag off and some movement options.

IMPORTANT! This "perfect gag" isn’t intelligent! This means, when you create another mouth gag style, you have to adjust the gag with the "integrated" morphs to the head shape… but this is in most cases done in minutes. (It took me one minute to adjust it to the Genesis 2 male)

You bought not only this mouth gag. I inserted a cloth ball prop with adjustment and style morphs plus a bow (mostly it won’t be shown under long hair) into this package.

There's MATs for the gag as well. You will find them in the "Shader Presets" folder under "Dravuor / The perfect gag". Here you find one 3render and one Iray folder. In these folders are again three folders: One for the gag, one for the bow and one for the cloth ball.

You can use own MATs, too. The props supports texture files up to 2048×2048 pixels.

You will never ever need another mouth gag prop for your "damsels in distress"!

Product Link:

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I am here to rob D coins O(∩_∩)O

  • 3 weeks ago


Come on ~ happy ah ~ anyway, there are a lot of time

  • 1 month ago


I am here to rob D coins O(∩_∩)O

  • 3 months ago


I am here to rob D coins O(∩_∩)O

  • 4 months ago


Finally found you, good thing I didn't give up!

  • 5 months ago